Case Study : The Van Trump Report – Create a Brand and Grow Loyal Customer Base
The Challenge
Help better bridge the gap between Wall Street and Rural America through a daily newsletter to help better educate readers on their perspective of the macro markets, commodities, and life itself.
Our Approach
Targeted some of the industries top executives, fund traders, money-managers, and political leaders to read the report first allowing us to work backwards down the food chain.
We also designed the newsletter completely different than any other traditional economic daily report by including everything from family pictures, recipes, and personal interests to help stand away from the crowd that much more.
The Results
Year-Over-Year Sales Increase!
Become the #1 Ag Newsletter in the industry over the past 10 years!
Maintain 99% of Customers Year-Over-Year Creating a Loyal Brand
Developed an extremely loyal customer base filled with brand ambassadors