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VanTrump Ag Solutions

Case Study : iSelect – Increase Brand Awareness and B2B Networking 

The Challenge

Increase awareness around the iSelect Fund brand in the investment and startup agriculture industry as well as increasing B2B networking.

Our Approach

Showcase the iSelect brand to many startups across agriculture as an investment portfolio strictly looking for the most innovative and disruptive emerging technologies that can substantially change markets. 
Then, introducing new iSelect investments and opportunities to the target market through various forms of marketing including daily ads, exploratory journalism, online video webinars, and informative podcasts that drive investors and start-ups to get more involved.

The Results


Investor Increase Year-Over-Year!

Recognized as One of the Top Ag Invest Funds in the Industry!

Increased Brand Recognition

Minimized Cost of Customer Acquisition, While Increasing Amount of Leads

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